30-Day Challenge
There are many ways one can go about generating revenue. But if you were backed into a wall and had 30 days to come up with $10,000 to meet payroll, expenses, etc. what would you do?
For me, I’d start looking for a problem I knew I could solve – something that many people have. Perhaps it is not knowing how to get sales. Then I’d create a presentation and do a few ads to drive people to a webcast I’d do and offer my coaching program to get them into that program From there, I’d follow up with those attendees that didn’t sign up via a drip campaign to see how much they got from the program and offer them either my DIY coaching solution or a group program, including showing results from past clients via video testimonials and more!
Now, I’m not saying to start a side hustle or launch a new product even – let’s take me, for example. I already coach people on how to increase their business. If I have a product that I already have, I can say “okay, I need $10K in 30-days. How am I going to do that?” For me, I’d do exactly as I laid out above – run some ads, get people into my program and go from there.
Many of us already have a system/process in place that we don’t realize we can monetize. By being able to look at all the pieces and see what one can do to jump-start their revenues again, that is how one can grow their business and get out of debt without borrowing their way out! I’ll even show one more example – take a fast food retail business – if they needed $10K in 30-days, they can offer a 10-meal card for $100 (normally $150) and offer everyone that deal. That books immediate income and allows them time to cover the expense, assuming a 40% gross margin, that’s still holding onto a good chunk of change, even if people redeemed in the 30-day period. Running a few targeted ads and getting people to see the value in their establishment revs up their sales machine and gets them going, and they did nothing more than what they were already doing!
#business #thinking #revenuegeneration #growth #coaching
Jennifer Glass
CEO, Business Growth Strategies International, LLC